As a Financial Planner, my goal is to translate the Canadian financial landscape so that IWB women can make informed decisions which are in their best interest.

As a Canadian woman who has experienced the expatriate life, when I moved with my family, first to Mexico City, and then to New York, I have the empathy to understand what it is like to move and live in a foreign country.  The feelings of isolation and strangeness were part of my journey to self-awareness and strength.  I understand how it feels to stand on a street corner, in your new city, and not know what is around the corner.  The city smells different, it sounds different, and it looks different, language is a barrier to communication and knowledge. Learning the language, the culture and the landscape of your adopted country takes time and effort.  Finding your way builds character and at the end of the journey you can look back and be proud of your accomplishments.

As a financial planner, with my knowledge of how it feels to be new to a country, I am in a position to help you, the new immigrant women, by translating the Canadian financial landscape.  I believe that financial literacy helps women to freely make informed decisions as to how they wish to build their lives and protect themselves and their families from the unpredictability of life.   As you build your life, here in Canada, it is essential to know and understand how money works and your emotional relationship with money.  It is not how much money you make, but how you wish to spend your money, which is the key to understanding how to build a financial plan worthy of your time and effort.  Enjoying today and building security for your future is part of the planning cycle, as well as ensuring your estate is in good hands.

Our clients never receive an invoice from us, but rather we are paid by the companies we represent. This is very helpful for our clients since we can spend the time necessary to provide the financial knowledge appropriate for our clients to make informed decisions.


NEW: Entrepreneur Point and Bedard Associates announce their 6-week workshop and mentoring programme for entrepreneurs. This is a step by step programme guiding you through the actions you need to take to put your business on the right foot. We will teach you how to plan, how to structure, how to set-up reporting systems, how to brand and how to market your company and your services. This is a combination of workshops and personal one-on-one mentoring by people who are running successful entrepreneurial businesses. Join us and put yourself on the right track to success. Click here to learn more.