Your Midlife Wake up Call .Playing small ends here!
Don’t Settle for Less Than Extraordinary
You expected to hit the other side of 40 rocking
life. You don’t know exactly what happened, but things didn’t go as planned,
and you’re not where you wanted to be. You feel stuck and can barely recognize
the woman you see in the mirror. Life sucks!
This same woman used to have big goals and dreams
that somehow ended up lost along the way, while life happened. She thinks it’s
too late now for that and chooses to play safe instead. Are you settling for a
life full of what-ifs and regret? What if you’re meant to do great things and
live an extraordinary life? Who decides that?
Only women like you and I know the real impact of
not living up to our potential. If you just knew the best is yet to come, but
you’re too busy taking care of everything else while your priorities keeping
piling up in a corner, gathering dust.
The thought of all the things you have to do gets
you overwhelmed, and you’re not sure how you’ll ever be able to be in charge
and feel human again, if ever!
Still, deep inside you, there is a little voice that won’t let you
throw the towel.
If you’re allowing your age to you, hold you back,
or anything else for that matter, then you’re buying into the stories your
brain is selling you. Our brain wants to protect us from anything that requires
us to stretch ourselves, grow and evolve. And to do that, it keeps telling us
things that we interpreted as truth like you don’t have what it takes. You
don’t have the skills. Change is too hard. You’re not good enough. You never
finish what you start. Success just *happens* to other people. You listen to
your head and continue living an unfulfilling life on autopilot.
All these little lies repeated over and over again
end up becoming part of our identity, and without noticing, we turn into
someone we don’t want to be. Our self-confidence is crushed, and we don’t trust
ourselves to do anything that is hard or that we’ve never done before. We play
One of the most important decisions, and with the
best return!, you’ll ever make, is to invest in yourself. Are you ready to hear
the best news ever? No matter what situation you’re in, you have the power to
change it. It all starts between your ears, with your thoughts!
What you think about a circumstance triggers your
feeling, which in turn drives your actions, creating your results. Sounds
simple, right? It would be if we were aware of our thoughts, understood how
they’re impacting our lives, and knew how to change them. I can help you with
that so you can create a life you love. I believe in you! So why wouldn’t you?
Let’s work together to get the results you want!